I find it very difficult to define what my feelings are now that I’m clearly on the way home.

I just have to close my eyes and images, sounds, impressions start flooding in.

I see faces, hear voices from recent encounters and recall bits of conversations.

I feel the loneliness caused by Olmo’s returning home but also the joy and gratitude for every encounter that I was lucky to have before and certainly after.

The elation that the big northern sky gave me and that The Tunnel couldn’t do anything to spoil. I’m also reconsidering what I said about the weather on the Archipelago. I simply wouldn’t want it any different from what it was then.

A little mist (or fog) adds magnetism to a landscape that otherwise would be in danger of being a little too postcard perfect. Nothing wrong with that obviously, but like there is no bad weather only inadequate equipment, so there is no weather unsuitable for sightseeing, it is the ways of seeing that have to be made more supple.

I also understand now why many cyclists are so restless and can’t stop anywhere for longer than a day. I think it is because this sense of nostalgia can only be assuaged by just staying on the road, by keeping on the move. At least this is what I’m feeling right now.

I have more than a month to keep moving across the flat expanses of Northern Europe. It doesn’t sound very exiting after Norway, however there is no dull country to cycle in there is only…..,

I’m just repeating myself. Anyway signposting on the danish cycle path network will supply plenty excitement.
